Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 3: Closer Still

Today was amazing. We met with the pediatric neurologist, who again, spent more time with us in one day than Sam's shrink in Dallas does in two months. Full interview and head to toe exam. Ms. Ped Neurologist told us afterward that nothing jumped out at her - that everything seemed relatively normal.

Then we were hurried over to the Sleep Disorders Center. The doctor we met there is ALSO a pediatric neurologist AND a sleep consultant at Mayo. He is a key player in all this. He gave us a preliminary diagnosis of three possibilities. It could be other things but he feels almost certain it is possibility #1.

Let me back up, before we came here, my Mom INSISTED we film Sam sleeping. Sam has extremely violent sleep habits. If you dare to sleep in the same bed with her, you will either 1. not get any sleep, 2. wake up black and blue or 3. Both...

It was a chore, but we got the DVDs made and brought them with us. Dr. Sleep watched less than 5 minutes today and says, "Do you see this?" and points to DVD image. "This is almost certainly Possibility #1 but we need to rule out Possibilities #2 and #3."

I am not trying to keep information from you. It's just that we don't have a definitive answer yet and I don't want to start any rumors. In addition, we would like to give the news to family first. No hard feelings...

So the big news I can tell you is that we WILL be doing a sleep study at The Mayo Clinic tomorrow night. HUGE Deal. They only do 4 pediatric sleep studies a night. The scheduler told me not to be late as there will be people waiting for an open slot. We will be an hour early!

We waited in genetics today for almost three hours hoping for a cancellation. No luck. Our first appointment tomorrow is at 2:30PM so we will go in at 8AM, get our name on the wait list and hope for a cancellation before our scheduled appointment. Genetic testing could go a long way in proving or disproving Dr. Sleep's three possible diagnosis. Cross your fingers for a cancel!

that's all I got tonight. g'night all.

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